Our Combined Curriculum
The UK Curriculum
The UK curriculum offers a clear continuum of learning goals from preschool to 18. This allows us to adapt our curriculum to reflect the student’s previous learning experiences. This curriculum also offers worldwide transferability within international schools.
The International Primary Curriculum (IPC)
The International Primary Curriculum offers student led, enquiry based learning within a relevant, practical and engaging context. It combines goals for personal growth alongside International mindedness reflecting our school values and mission.

Academic Challenge
Relevant Context
Enquiry Based
International Recognition
“When the roots are deep, there is no reason to fear the wind.”

Early Years
From 2.5 to 6 years
The first experiences of school can be daunting, exciting and represent a momentous entry into a wonderful world of learning. Our Early Years classes focus on the holistic development of all children as they begin their journey towards independence. We foster a sense of family where each child can flourish emotionally, socially and academically.
“Play is the work of children” through which they develop communication, problem solving skills, cognitive growth, imagination, leadership skills, perseverance and social collaboration. At ISL we provide rich and relevant learning experiences where children engage in hands on exploration. Guided carefully by teachers, children are encouraged to take risks, learn from mistakes and grow in confidence as they gain self awareness and understanding of the world.
Throughout the Early Years classes, children develop competencies in basic literacies that will be key to all future learning. Teachers work with the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework to provide a seamless transition to the Primary classes.
From 6 to 12 years
At ISL we encourage our children to become thinkers and problem solvers. Through challenging tasks that require more than just knowledge based learning we build on curiosity and foster enquiry.
Throughout the Primary years, children consolidate their existing skills working towards clear, individualised learning goals. The UK Curriculum for English and Mathematics provides a progressive and detailed framework, while children simultaneously develop skills of collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking through integrated projects within the International Primary Curriculum.
Children are invited to share their learning in a variety of ways, developing research and presentation skills, invaluable for lifelong study. We encourage children to take ownership of their learning and to reflect on and celebrate their progress.
Personal growth is a key feature of lSL life and has a specific place in the International Primary Curriculum. There are 8 IPC Personal Goals – enquiry, resilience, morality, communication, thoughtfulness, cooperation, respect and adaptability. Opportunities to experience and practice these are built into the learning tasks within each unit of

Specialist Teachers
At ISL our mission is to develop skilled, independent students with global vision, understanding and empathy . Our language programme supports these aims by giving children the communication skills to bridge cultures and barriers.



Additional English Support (EAL)
We want children to feel safe, confident and happy at ISL and understand the enormous culture shock that some children can experience when moving country and changing language. Therefore, for children arriving at ISL with little or no English we offer specialist classes to support social integration and access to the main teaching curriculum. Classes are individual or in small groups where the focus is on specific daily vocabulary and self expression.

Physical Education (PE)
Physical education is an essential part of a child’s education and overall development. It supports a child’s health and growth whilst providing children with the application of skills and movements for everyday living.
At ISL our PE program aims to support and motivate pupils to become competent, inspired and reflective movers. Students have the opportunity to explore a variety of movements and develop a range of skills. They become mindful of their body and learn about the importance of communication and collaboration when participating in group games. At ISL we facilitate the importance of being active, encouraging students to become lifelong
physical active learners.
Swimming lessons are provided throughout the year for students from Preschool 2 up to Grade 6. Supporting children with water confidence and the development of basic strokes.

Music plays a crucial role in developing children’s creative expression and communication. It crosses cultural and individual barriers allowing for deep human connection and understanding beyond words alone.
At ISL our specialist teacher works on a programme that develops awareness of rhythm and coordination through music and movement. Children work on collaborative musical projects to create unique pieces developing their understanding of composition, and creative expression. Children also enjoy a range of singing experiences participating in class events and small concerts for our school community.
Our music teacher also offers private piano lessons which we facilitate during the school schedule.

Special Educational Needs
We are a fully inclusive school here at ISL and welcome children from all learning backgrounds.
We have a strong ethos of differentiated learning within our classes which enables children who need extension or support to be challenged and successful.
Special educational needs that fall outside class differentiation will be addressed on an individual basis. Your child’s Class teacher and Special Education Coordinator will develop an Individual Action Plan which will be monitored and discussed with parents on a regular basis.
We are happy to work collaboratively with external specialists should this be needed and welcome a positive and open approach to supporting your child.